Upcoming Trainings


Community Healing and Support Gathering: Working With Difficult Emotions

Join us for an inclusive and compassionate gathering designed to support community members impacted by recent traumatic events. Attendees are invited to share space, support one another, and explore pathways to healing and connection. Tools and resources for ongoing support will be provided.

This event is FREE and will be held online via Zoom.

When: Friday, November 1 @ 12:00-1:00 PM

Registration required: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkd-yvrDwqGNJZRC80i-EwYDz1fSzSnT2Q

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Orientation to Trauma-Informed Care

Orientation to Trauma-Informed Care

Join us for Orientation to Trauma-Informed Care

This is an in-person training: Wednesday, June 19th from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. Lunch will be provided.

Location: Morgridge Commons - 815 Blake Ave, Glenwood Springs

Please register in advance: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=1m7jCBe1sEi_HKyWDoBZ4J_HbG6u7_tBkfyTt8htVXNUNFk4VFVGOUI3UkZPQjFRS1FONUVCRDhROC4u

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DEI & Cultural Humility Training

*Only a few seats left — we have a full house! Make sure to register quickly to secure your spot.

This training brings a trauma-informed approach to equity and cultural humility, exploring the impact of micro-aggressions and implicit bias while considering the interconnected relationship between trauma, equity, and resilience. 

This training will be at the Mancos Community Center and lunch will be provided from Zuma Natural Foods. Please order food below and note any dietary restrictions as provided. This training is a set of three trainings provided by the Safe Spaces for Youth Action Team and Team UP Southwest Colorado. 

Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1muzhfRUcbpPRFgVnJqFTzZ-4Kg5X_AGAO0Ym1KPGFDM/viewform?edit_requested=true

Please contact desireeh@unitedway-swco.org for more information or with any questions.

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